Actually I received a call from this no while having my grocery shopping,last Saturday,When I pick up the phone,the person over there already put down the phone.And while I already in the car to going home,this no appeared again...I pick up the call with a loud speaker,because normarly the unrecognise no is came from whether insuran agent,holiday package and many other sales people,which is really I let Mr.Hubs listening the conversation together.
But this call was really different,He started with "Hi **nda!!How are you....with really friendly tone and sound that he is my friends for ages"Masa ni I dah start gabra dah(I start panic as ever,knowing my husband yang agak2 tak kenan dengan benda2 cenggini and Then I ask him who is he and where he got my number with a stranged voice...He told me,that he is Patrick,he just arrived from France,and he called me as my request,and he added that I gave my hp no while meet him at Bangsar!!!!Mak ai!!!tak menyirap Cik abe I dengar time tu?Grrrrrrrr..........Then I said,I never go to Bangsar(lying) and will call you tomorrow(Don't want to be so harshed,worried if I actually knew him,through family or related to my company)
All the way back home,I felt uneasy,I tried to call my collegue,asking if I know anyone named Patrick...NONE!!the one we knew was Patrick Lim,a chinese guy who was athe salesman from NIssan who dealt with me few years ago,and I never hang out in Bangsar with my girlfriends,the last time I've been to Bangsar was about 2 months ago with my family and inlaws...Duh!!!
Mr.Hubs started mumbling,this and that,worried this Patrict is a conman!but hallo,I'm not silly,OK?And after did a deep thinking,Sure!I did'nt know this Patrick,and I never want to know.Fullstop.
Monday morning,I saw an sms from him again,which I believe was sent at past midnight.Lepas baca,I terus delete,pasal tak sanggup nak baca,dia tak putus asa,terus memujuk rayu...which is very scary.Arrived office,I discussed with my officemate what should I do with this guy,then I reply his sms saying that"I am not **nda,I am a new user of this no,I am a mother of 5 growing teenangers.Please don't call me anymore...(sah-sah la semua tipu kan?)
Alhamdulillah,after I sent that message this guy did'nt call nor sms me anymore.If he try to call me again,I'll lodge a police report....hehehe sound paranoid??over?Yelah,bukan apa,I imagine Patrick yang call I ni is a Black guy,YEs,I mean Niger,or Negro kata orang kita...takut gak nak diperdayanya kita ni,kan sekarang banyak kes-kes pengedaran dadah antarabangsa?heee takut...memula borak,pastu ajak jumpa..pastu....Nauzubillah..Jangan carik penyakit!!
Biarlah,walaupun yang call tu mungkin sekacak Tom Cruise sekalipun,I'll never entertaine them,taknak bermain api.....walaupun hanya sebagai teman..other than I'm a muslim lady,I also a mother and a wife to a very erm...not so sporting husband...hahahaha....
Anyone of you guys,received a similar phone call????Be extra carefull ya..Jangan mudah terpedaya..Sekarang ni orang macam-macam,kesian sungguh nasib perempuan2 diluar sana yang gelap mata,bila dijanjikan dengan kemewahan..That is different story..I'll story later k?all true life story..stay tune!!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
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TErsirap darah bila tengok nombor 5554...!!!!
YOU KNOW WHO ? ..CONMAN yang pernah hadir dlm hidup I. ahaks!!
but for sure, bukan dia lah yg called u tu. Elokla tak layan.
OOO ye ke?agaknya conman memang suka no 5554 la...grrr
aku tak tau la apa bangsa org tu,yg penting bukan oran malaysia,apatah lagi org melayu...Scarryyyyyy...ntah cemana dapat no aku tu,nama pun betul lak tu...
Memang bukan ORAN Malaysia. MUnkin ORAN Negro or ORANPUTEH.
ko nikan...sempat lagi spot spelling error aku kan?wakakaka
ko tau,susahnya hati,anak aku pon selalu buat salah eja gak.....duh!!
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