Dear diary,...(chewah...acah mak enon!!)
Today is like just the other day...nothing special and less busy in the office,I just surfing the net and kinda hoping to one blog to another...teehee..
I had my lunch at Nandos SUnway PYramid,after that I even peeked at a new shop there,felt something interesting there,forgot the shop name,too bad I don't have enough time to buy tomorrow I plan to pay a visit again.To kill my boredom,boredom ke???
I reached home about,and my son can't wait to tell me about what happened to him in school today's.He proudly told me that his class has been selected to be visited by 8 University Students from Japan.Being friendly as a mother(wink-wink)He even exchanged email add and hp no with that fellow students.
So tak pasai2 tadi dia sudah call sama itu Jepun,Lepas tu pas the phone to me,I speak Japanese and the girl speak Malay...hahaha..masing2 nak asah lidah...I promised them to bring them for dinner before they'll back to Japan this 8Th April.
And entah kenapa,dalam banyak2 hari...hari ni rasa paling syahdu ditinggal cik abe,hari2 semalam ok jer...erm...
Sekarang ni dah hampir jam 10.malam,sejak sampai umah tadi kami belum on the TV,my son terus ngadap komputer untuk YM that Japanese friend while myself busy sms..ahaks!!before we both solat Maghrib and baca Yasin berjemaah...
Oklah sampai sini dulu,nak tidur cepat...tak sabar nak tunggu besok..sebab malam besok Cik Abe nak balik...horey...rumah ni tak sunyi lagi dengan bebelan nasihat si dia...
Friday, March 28, 2008
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berkongsi rasa ....
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Whoopp! Nak berbesan ngan japanese pulak ke? So, my daughter tak jadik ke? Jangan Nda, dorang mata sepet. Nanti cucu u tak lawa.
*** Mata my doter cantik..mcm I.
lawaks la lu aziah...
besan amendanya bebudak U tu dah 20 tawon umurnya....lagipun tak best dorang tak pandai dancing macam yr doter....huhuhu...
part mata cantik tu akkak suker!!huhuhu
Tak sabar nak tunggu my hub balik Malaysia.
sajer jer tulis camtuh...kot2 dia terbaca ke....bertambah la allawance aku bulan depan....huhuhuhu...baik punya cilok..!!ahaks!!
I was in Sunway Pyramid on Thursday frm 1030 to 4pm. I shop til I drop ;p
bz bee,
apasal dah drop baru nak bagitau...lenkali b4 shop tu calling2 la..blh I jadi jurutunjuk arah...ahaks!!ke skrg dah pro kat SP Tu as I rasa u dah jadi pengunjung tatap saban minggu?huhhhu
Nampaknya saya mmg dh jadi pengunjung tetap SP ;p And yet I stil lost ! Haritu nak cari Subway (again), cari2 tak jumpa then i call the information counter for help.
And know what she said, 'subway is just behind you mam'.. And I was like 'oh yeah...' *maluuu* hehehhehe...
Next time I call you for help okie?
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