Sound harsh???
But that's the reality....
That not all people are welcome you to their blog.
As I'm telling you that I'm blog hopper myself,(I normally like the motherhood blog) and only these 2-3 days I dare to leave a comment on the blogs I hop ,just to say hi,and try to being polite to the blog owner,at the same time leave my blog add there...
(I for one was even being so polite and welcome comment to one stanger last time,no harm beig good to people rite?)entahlah....but there's big name blogger thanked me for droping a comment,I felt cloudnine by then,eheh...
continue anger,hehehe...........
I think after introduce myself as a silent reader,I will be welcome by them,instead they lock the blog to the invited readers only....hahahaha...tak suka kita dtg la tu...Now,I know that not all people ready to accept outsiders to their world although they at the first place touch the feet to this cyber world,world without limit...herm....people...
That's why,I for one want to remain unknown,because whatever I say may very personal,emotion and too embarased if people who knows me,know about it,And I did'nt telling anyone I know about the existing of this blog,(yes except u aziah,because u are d one who encourage me to blog!)
Actually its quite sometimes after I leave my college day,for me to make a new friend,Its very difficult for me at this age make a new friend,as I don't know them genuinely...well you know people nowadays...the very judgemental type...
Until recently when I start bloging,I felt an urge for me to have a virtual friends by introducing myself properly(Of course with a ladies only),who I think can exchange view as a mothers,wife be it as a ladies....but you know,people are different...not like what u think...SO there's fullstop here.I will no longer drop a comment to an alien blog.
So,aziah....get ready to received at least 10 comments a day from me from today onwards,as noboday want me...hahahahaha
p/s:actually the main reoson,i have a blog is to express my feelings,that's why I don't want people know me....huh,lega dah cakap....What a relief...
Friday, February 15, 2008
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berkongsi rasa ....
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Oh my God! How could this happen to you? Pity. Well, rambut sama perang, hati je tak terang...
Tu la, u suka sgt explore blog stranger. Tapi, kalau I la kan, I dont mind. Anyone can leave their comment, either good or bad.
As u told me earlier, your blog seem u dedicated to me, so...tok sah nak merayap mana2 dah. stay je kat sini, i akan dtg sll.
Sian ko Nda.. Sapa blogger tu? Bg tau aku, tau la aku nak ajar dia. Eksen!
takper aziah...
It's kinda new expereince for me,hehehe..
tapi kan aziah,I notice lepas I tinggal komen kat blog dorang,viewers kat blog I ni dorang pun ngintai blog "bodo' I ni?wakakakaka
Nama pun blogger kan, nak tgk gak la blog orang lain. Best ke ( cam I ) , canggih ke ( cam I gak ), boring ka ( I tak ) compete each other.
aku bkn nya nak compete,tapi aku memang suka membaca...kalau ingat tak nak bagi org baca..awal2 buboh dah separuh jln baru nak lokek...aparaaaaa....
seronok apa tengok live org2 berjaya,dan i love a good jornal actually,suka tengok people with god writing skill,as i prefer writing than talking..hehehe
U prefer writing than talking? Ye ke? tak caya je.
betol aziah....
especially when it comes to intimate thing,I'm not confortable to talk face by face..Thank God for the invention os sms/email...Mengapa?tak percaya ke?
aku baru tengok HBO"MEMOIR OF GEISHA'for the 3rd time...aku kalau dah minat tu...memang hover....
Hi rerama!
Thanks for dropping by and I heart your help in my research endevor! Gimme ur email address and I shall tell you how you can help hhehehe..
Like you, I too selalu blog-hopping and prefer to remain sort of anonymous ... huhuhuh. Mayb lepas ni kena belajar open up and tulis komen ;p
Anyways, nice blog u have here and I too seem to be addicted to JCo as well !
When BEE met RERAMA .... ewww...sound so swit....!
*** btw Nda, nasib baik I baru bg satu komen kat post yg terdelete tu. TerAdvance sangat kut!
Who's the person? The arrogant and snobbish one. Tell me...tell me...who? Would you? Wanna kickboxing. Aku dah lama tak jadi amseng kampung dusun.
**Hehehee! Biasa la aku...gertak je lebih! I see no evil, i hear no evil, i speak no evil! Huhuhu!
Hi bz bee,
how sweet....welcome to this humble yet merapu sort of my daily mumblings and ramblings..and as my friend say full of spelling error journal...hahahaha...forgive me for that,as I'm kinda fast person I am...never check back whatever I typed...hahahaha..
Its good feelin right,when someone at least want to befriend with you?hehehe..
u are my bogyguard ever lah..I Lap u for this...mmmuahhhhhhhhh
MekNani mmg sesuai jadi bodyguard cum driver u. Sure u boleh tenat kalo dengar dia berhambur2 dlm kete nanti. Macam nak pecah gegendang tinge mak dengar dia menjerit maki orang, nyah. Nasib baik mak ni cool orangnye...
Nda & Mamayat,
Astaghfirullah halazzim...ko tengok tu mamayat ni buat petnah. Mana ada aku cenggitu. Mana ada aku jerit2....tak aihhh...aku cuma bagi nasihat to arrogant drivers. Salah ke? memandai je si mamayat ni tau. Dush! Dush! Gedebuk! Amik ko... Eerrrr...
Astaghfirullah halazzim..
Astaghfirullah halazzim..Ya Allah, berilah aku kekuatan..
Weeiiii Mamayat,
Sedangkan bah kapal tak hanyut, inikan pulak kemarau panjang. Cissss! Meh sini kau!
Mari kita berlawan keris. Meh sini kau! Yang kau berselindung di balik kain si Nda tu kenapa?
Main sorok-sorok plak dia.
Asalnye aku nak nyorok dalam kain Nda, dia tak bagi lak.
Kita main nyorok nyorok nak, nani? Ajak kak rehan sekali. wakaakakaaa....
Lat tali lat lai li tamplom dulu. Jom Nda, kita lat tali lat dulu, pas tu baru oozom. Sape kalah dia tutup mata, ok? Kau jgn nak mengelat mamayah. Kau suka main tipu tau. Menci aaaaaa
tak mo aa main tu. kita main pukul berapa mak arimau. Ha! biar Nani jadi mak rimau.. pasal ko pun dah cam rimau kan..
*** sori la Nda. blog ko ni jadik playground lak. wakaka..
Takmo aaaahhh, bosan main bape mak ghimau. Nanti korang berdua komplot. Asik aku je yg jadi. Dah la, aku nak balik ghumah, nak ngadu kat bapak aku.
Dah la, aku takmo kawan dgn kau lagi. Suka-suka je suh aku jadi mak ghimau. Nda, jom kita geng dua owang. Jgn kawan dia, kita tinggalkan dia
sesuka korang jer nak buat aku mcm padang pemenan ya...ep!!!!ckp laki kite...hahahhaha..
wei nani,
mula la hangin ghajin ko sampe kan?kalau ko diam...bayang pon tak nampak...dtg2 la selalu ek?bila nak buat blog sendiri weh???
Jangan la suro Nani buat blog seniri. Tak sampai separuh, dia dah lelaaaappppp....
Sayang u, anty anne.
Nda & Mamayah,
Menda nih blog blog pebagai, tak biase la. Tak kuasa aku. Lagipun kan, lagipun kan, errrrr...camne nak cakap nih...errrrr...klu aku buat blog seniri...mesti blog aku dapat sambutan hangat. Nanti blog korang tak laku plak. Ahaksss!!! Jgn marah aaaaaa!
ahhhhh pigilah meknanidvoguedvast...
lu pasal ckp memang selalu cenggitu....
at least lu citer pasal latest boyaprent lu pon ok aper...
wei,adik aku dpt kerja MATRADE...teringat lak kat mak ko nani...
Boyaprent? eeuuwwwww....i like it!
Nda & Mamanyibuk,
Weeiiiii...menda ni boyapren, boyapren...mak tak paham nyah. Mak konpius. Lagipun, topic tu tak membina minda kita ke arah "1st class mentality'. Bazir beras perang bird of paradise kat umah aku je. Ahaksss!!!
Nda, ko suh je si aziah bukak post tu. Dia mesti sukanya, wa cakap lu bai! Aku tak leh.....eerrrr sebab? Kang aku kena sawan terkejut terkejut. Takmo aaaaa
*Mak aku dah 2 thn pencen.
eh nani,
aziah paksa ko kokmen kat blog aku ya?untuk mengubati luka didadaku?hahaha
(I for one was even being so polite and welcome comment to one stanger last time,no harm beig good to people rite?) izzit me ke...hahha...sory, just singgah2 jap...
hi there,
yes Its u dear...hehehe....
I tau sejak sejak TERDELETE entry ari tu, u dah fobia nak post entry baru kan. Worried TERdelete ngan2 blog ni sekali...i know u, sis!
aritu bukan terdelete...tapi sajer delete,sebab bila baca balik memang nampak sgt it was pointless,u know me,tend to be merapu ehen I 'm in bored...
New entry will be tomorrow kot,coz I'm damn busy right now,beb...
stay tune...
eleh..tak nak ngaku le tu.
hey there.. stumbled upon ur blog today.. sambil2 buai anak ni ehehe.. attracted with this entry n tempted to leave comment.. anyway i had exactly the same experience like u.. tah2 we are talking bout the same person eheh.. i frequent this blog.. mother of 2.. then out of the blue, she asked who's the silent reader of her blog.. i pun angkt tgn la psl org dah tny kan.. the next thing i know, 2 days after tht (last week la ni) dia gi lock blog dia.. for invited readers only.. iskkkkkkk i rs cam malu sgt masa tu.. x suka org baca, impom la awal2.. ltk disclaimer or something like tht.. 'strangers not allowed' ke mcm slalu baca kat pintu kedai tu kan.. 'salesman are not allowed'.. mcm tu la lebih kuang.. psl i mmg suka blog-hopping.. saje suka2 baca..
hi mama hasif,
Tq for coming pal,
We can start be fiend by now rite?forget about "those" people...there are many good people di bumi Allah ni...hehehe.
Eh,u...entah2 sipolan tu pon ngintai blog kita ni kan?mentang2 kita tak pasang perangkap mcm dia...lalalalala..ahaks!!
There are good many people in this world.
Ehem, ehem.. I le tu.
ayat tersalah lak...!
ello, moshi moshi...
hehehehe...selalu nmpk kat blog kak aziah je...msk cni jd SR...huhu...
nway xpe siap dpt hate mel lg...buat nyakitkan hati su je smpi mula2 ingat nak privatekan pastu pikiaq balik, tu blog aku, lantak pilah apa aku nak tulis...tul x kak? i know kak aziah agree with me...kak aziah, gimme 5...:)nway, salam perkenalan....
salam sue,
welcome to this merapu blog...
malu gak lah kalau outsiders judge me from this blog...tapi what a heck kan?blog kita suka ati kita lah...muahahahaha...
tq and please come again...hehehe
*** dialog di petik dari pilem Ahmad Albab.
Blogmu blogku jua..vice versa...mahahahahahaha...
katanya udah mula kereja...apa bikin lu punya masa mau ngomen sama ini blog?goblog...dassarrr...
Ya...Ampun...mak gurau aje nya...lariiiiiiiiiiiiii.............
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