Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Early Christmas gift...

I received an early Christmas Gift this year,(as above)from O San mother all the way from Hiroshima Japan.Domo Arigato Obaa San.A bag full of chocolates,hand made weaving bag,hand painted handkerchief,and few sort of miniature,super cute!!
Second gift was,actually when all my effort to help O San 6 months back(remember stretch and win case?) paid,when Credit Card Company agreed to return the sum of 13K(yes 13 thousand!) to him,after investigation found out,that it was a fraud transaction!I am so happy!!What more O San,I know!Although I even jokingly told Aziah,that I will ask him to buy me a COACH beg,should he get back the money.But,me being me....I will not ask him for for any single cents,he insist to buy me a dinner though!,Thanks,but No,Thanks.
(Errr...instead,can you buy me a pair of Levi's jeans O San?I desperately need one!ahaks!but neh!I won't ask him that,instead I 'll get a pair all by myself later,!apo nak dikato!)
Above all,All I can say is,Thank You Allah.Alhamdulillah....


SaDi said...

hehehhehehe... banyak nyeee hadiah tuuuuu.....

rerama salju said...

Sadi nak sikit tak?

Anonymous said...

bangga aku ada kawan yang menolong warga asing dengan seikhlas tahap gaban.

oooo coach tak nak tapi demand suar levis. apa baraaaaaaanggggggg sis..

kak ja said...

xpe Aziah, sehelai utk Nda, sehelai utk Aziah.. bley??

Anonymous said...

selai untuk nda, 5 6 helai untuk aziah.

baru adil.

rerama salju said...

warga asing bukan sebarang warga asing nyah...hahahaha..Tolong ada makna...LARIKKKKKKKKK....just kiddin'!

err...tak blh ye demand seluar levis/ala...levis mughah sikit...hahahaha

bagus kakja,adil dan saksama kasih sayang kakja pada adik2 kak ja ni,ahaks!

berkongsi rasa ....