Thursday, July 24, 2008


A bit chill here
kawah gunung berapi?
Toink!Toink!I am having a constipation tummy is bloating all the time,not no mentioned,I am having headache...Thus,no new entry until further notice...waarrrrrrrggggggg...!!(I think ,all this is due to my heavy diet and lack of fluid taking)
p/s:Baru Allah uji "sembelit" sikit dah tak keruan hidupku....Maha Besar Allah...

attached the Mount Tangkuban Parahu Bandung surrounded area....


Anonymous said...

wah..santeknya kawah piuk volcano tuh..

*** banyakkan minum air kosong sayanggg...

rerama salju said...

makesure ko gi sana nanti lelama sikit tau Doktor?so selain shopping ko ada masa nak visit ini kawah?paham?hahahaha

air suam ye?errm...dari pagi tadi dah minum setengah botol yg 500ml tu....

berkongsi rasa ....