Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Email dari Tsukano San

Actually I plan to write about my sweet journey to up north yesterday,but as I am damn sleepy now,I can't even think straight.Thus,I would like to share the email I received from Tsukano San this morning(the one who sent tidbits to me,the other day).

Sapa tak paham angkat tangan ok?I paste semuanya ni di sini....

What state in Malaysia?(tajuk email dia,yang buat akak confiuse deqnon oi...apa kess,tajuk cenggini rupanya?aduhai....)Apalah maksud dia ni agaknya ya?

How are you? Thank you for E-mail for the other day. I think that Ms. Linda and Sri are the friends through life. Malaysia is my second hometown. Though Hiro Taka remembers the thing of Malaysia only a little. The cornel still remembers and sometimes speaks the thing of Malaysia.

Well, it is a subject.

Naturally, the gift to Ms. Sri is sent. When I send Linda the gift (The same time of sent Malaysia. To.Ms. Linda and Ms. Sri.) Two boxes were sent from the post office to Ms. Linda and Ms. Sri and it was sent to Malaysia. Have not it reached yet though it put out when it is the same? It wants to be a delicious meal again. (Dia tanya apa ni?)

best regard

Anak daranya Mizuki Chan yang dah berusia 14 tahun...cepat betul masa berlalu....
Isteri Tsukano San yang kiri sekali berbaju kelabu,manakala anak lelakinya Hirotaka Kung memegang pompom warna kuning yang pertama dari kiri....Dulu dia ni baby jer lagi..


azizi said...

pening baca email tu.
tp japanese normal la tu.
our japanese counterpart did say something about his big chest, as "my big breast" ..... tak ke pengsan kitorg gelak time tu.

;-) ..... tp pompuan2 jepun comel2 kan. ayoooo

Aziah said...

this time around I think I can understand little little his language.

ooohhh Tsukano San, I lap u por eber!

rerama salju said...


big breast ka?hahahaha..tu lom citer bila I baru balik dari MC for few days my boss tanya,Body ok ka?maksudnya..'DAH SIHAT KE?Wakakaka...

U "fak" already ka?maksudnya,dah fax ke ?hahahaha...nayak arr menda mencarut kalau nak ulas...tapi best!Dan yg paling penting bukan awek jepang je yg "kawai"..lelaki jepung pun ramai yg "cute" dan "hansamu"...rambang mata u!...*matilah pengakuan berani mati*

rerama salju said...

by the time u understand litle2 ,he already went back to Japan...

Sayonara lah nampaknya....

berkongsi rasa ....